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Goog-Mail, Google’dan yararlanarak istediğimiz domaine ait mail adreslerini bulmamıza yarayan küçük bir Python scriptidir.
Örneğin; isimli domaine kayıtlı mail adreslerini öğrenmek istiyorsunuz. Goog-Mail kullanarak şu sonucu elde edebilirsiniz:

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Bâki Muhabbetle...
Most of these countries also supply either state-organized or state-licensed wagering on different sporting occasions. People are reluctant to wager towards desired outcomes which might be} related to their identification. Gamblers exhibit reluctance to wager towards the success of their preferred U.S. presidential candidates and Major League Baseball, National Football League, National Collegiate Athletic Association basketball, and NCAA hockey teams. More than 45% of NCAA fans in Studies 5 and 6, as an example, turned 1xbet korean down a "free" actual $5 wager towards their staff. In economic phrases, this conflicted determination can be modeled as a trade-off between finish result} utility gained by hedging (e.g., money) and the diagnostic prices it incurs (e.g., disloyalty).